Circle of Light Sangha

Hope Lutheran Church, 39200 W 12 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48331

Fridays from 7:30-8:30 pm

This is a forum for serious seekers to gain valuable insight, make new connections, and find their inner Light.

The group will gather once a week to contemplate on a topic, meditate, and have profound discussions over a cup of tea. Persons from all traditions and stages of evolution are welcome. We request that you leave behind your pre-conceived opinions and ego, and come with a humble, open mind and heart. ❤️

The session is free, and donations ($5-10 suggested) will help us to cover expenses and continue offering these events . Please bring something to sit on (such as a yoga mat, blanket, chair, or cushion), a mug for your tea, pen and paper if you wish to take notes, and a healthy snack to share if you are so moved to. ☕

We warmly invite all to remove the veil of illusion and realize our highest potential.

(For first-timers: Please enter the building and proceed to the gymnasium, which is straight ahead and slightly to the right, next to a coat rack. Please hang your coat and remove your shoes at the entrance of the gym before entering the sacred space.)