Circle of Light Sangha
Hope Lutheran Church, 39200 W 12 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48331

Fridays from 7:30-8:30 pm
This is a forum for serious seekers to gain valuable insight, make new connections, and find their inner Light.
The group will gather once a week to meditate, contemplate on a topic, and have profound discussions over a cup of tea. Persons from all traditions and stages of evolution are welcome and encouraged to share their wisdom. You may actively participate in the discussions, or just sit back and listen. We request that you leave behind your pre-conceived opinions and ego, and come with a humble, open mind and heart. We are all here to learn. ❤️
The session is free, and donations ($5-10 suggested) will help us to cover expenses and continue offering these events . Please bring a mug for your tea, pen and paper if you wish to take notes, and a healthy snack to share if you are so moved to. Light refreshments will be available. ☕
We warmly invite all to remove the veil of illusion and realize our highest potential.
(For first-timers: Enter Hope Church's parking lot from 12 Mile Rd. Park in the lot facing 12 Mile Rd, then enter the building and head straight ahead. You will see a kitchen. Go through the kitchen (pick up some tea and snacks while there), then proceed to a room on the other side of the kitchen.